Saturday 26 July 2014

“There is no other day. All days are present now. This moment contains all moments.” ― C.S. Lewis

As many of my friends know, who are more experienced bloggers, the stories should not only be about things we do, but also an opportunity to share matters of the heart and food for thought. Therefore bare with me as I share a little deeper for a moment than just fun, sun and travel. In the same way as many other people worldwide, also I was struck last week by news of the airplane accident in the Ukraine. Though I knew no one personally to my knowledge, the news of it struck my heart deeply. With the rest of my nation, I mourned and despaired at the unjustice and grief of the loss of the so many innocent lives. It struck me than only a week earlier I had walked through the same hall ways of Schiphol airport, got on a plane to fly abroad, with no worry or thought in mind. As Gods word says: we truly do not know the hour or time of day of his coming, yet we also don't know what day will be our last. There is no more time to spare or waste. After receiving the news of this tragedy everything I was doing out here in the US seemed so meaningless. How could I go to the beach, how could I rest, how could I laugh, when so many people were hurting, the urgency of my heart and my spirit  compelled me deeply that there is no time left. A few weeks earlier I had read and pondered on the scripture in Luke 12:56 that says: "You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?" Now this truth was even more of a reality.

As I struggled with the unjustice, I did the only purposeful thing I could and went to Gods house to the Friday night service at VO Inglewood. I cried and struggled through the worship as we sang a beautiful song I had learnt the Sunday prior which lyrics are the following:

You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord

It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
To You only

All the earth will shout
Your praise
Our hearts will cry
These bones will sing
Great are You, Lord

I fought and was unable to sing the words: "All the earth will shout your praise" knowing at that moment so much of the earth was not singing his praise. A large part of my world was confused and angry. As I strived to push past emotion, with silent tears I managed to whisper: Great are You, Lord.
As the word was opened that evening, God spoke so clearly to my spirit in the opening scripture as the he read: Proverbs 3:5-6 

We may not always understand everything that happens or the reasons why there is so much pain, suffering and injustice in this world. But we are not called to understand everything, instead He says: Trust in me, lean not on your own understanding, do the work that I have called you to do. Let love and loyalty never leave you, but show them to the world. Show Christ to this aching world. There is no time to waste in serving God, now is time, here is the place! Wherever you are, start planting your seed and allow Gods spirit to bring growth and salvation. 

Yesterday I took a trip out to the Grand Canyon and as we drove through many many hours of country and open space. Visiting the Grand Canyon and seeing the magnitude and magnificence of shape and  color, watching the lighting strike the hills in the background at one look out point and then again whilst watching the sun set over the mountains on the drive back, I was reminded of the words that earlier I had struggled to sing and it was as if I could hear the earth speak: All the earth will shout Your praise! The whole earth so indescribable and unattainable, gave praise to our God. At that place, at his feet, there is rest and renewal for the weary soul.

To close may I share one last thought or discovery whilst out here. Staying my first week in a hostel you often see people coming and going. Randomly strike conversation with others from various countries, I came to the conclusion that everyone backpacking or travelling out here is either running from or running to something. This interested me, so this became my question as I met fellow travellers which would reveal a variety of responses. Some people were run-aways, running away from broken relationships, family or life responsibilities or hurts, or problems that they didn't know how to solve. Those that were running to something mostly sought after peace, a free living lifestyle, no responsibilities, many travellers chase after the experience of new sights, new places, new culture and experiences. They have goals of things they want to see and do... I have yet to meet someone on the road who is not running to or away from something, and in all of this I reminded that everyone needs Christ! Christ to heal the past and Christ to hold the future!

One German girl asked my own question back to me and I suppose you would also like to know what I'm running to or from. :-) Well I am pleased to tell you that I am not running from anything, yet only often miss home, friends and family, realising how trully blessed and rich my life is. So what am I running to: I am running to a new season of life, change of pace, running to intentionally break with the routine of everyday work and life and to live a sold out abundant life to Christ. I am running to discover and meet Him in a new way, and I guess I am also running towards the UK and in a time of preparation and seperation now, also transitioning towards a new chapter of life to begin there...

Thinking and praying for this world always: "Lord, have mercy on us! Teach us to trust in you. You give life, You are love, You bring light to the darkness, You give hope, You restore, Every heart that is broken. Great are You, Lord"

If you token the time to read this, please take a moment and let this song minister to you in whatever situation you may be right now: (Great are you Lord, by All Sons and Daughters)

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